Scarcity of water has become a matter of concern lately. Though our planet has an abundance of saltwater, it can be pretty useless most of the time. Humankind needs freshwater to sustain. And, the increase in population has driven freshwater reserves to an all-time low.

That is why the preservation and reuse of water have been a necessary thing for us for quite some time. To meet the stringent water conservation laws, plants are installing Zero Liquid Discharge technology. This way, they not only save a lot of water by reusing the existing water over and over but also they recover lots of valuable products from wastewater.


The ZLD process is not only beneficial to the industrial sector by reducing water needs but also beneficial to the environment of our planet. It helps us to preserve fresh water for our future generation. ZLD plants employ a state-of-the-art wastewater management technology that purifies and recycles almost all the droplets of wastewater produced.

The main purposes of deploying ZLD technology in an industrial space is:

To meet the strict water discharge regulations
To collect valuable materials from wastewater
To minimize the freshwater requirement


The ZLD plants convert large quantities of liquid wastes to reusable distilled water. In this process, these plants also produce solid salts which are later used in the chemical industry or for landfilling purposes.

Zero Liquid Discharge technology includes treatment and evaporation of industry effluents until the dissolved particles precipitate in the form of crystal. These crystals then dewatered by applying heat and water vapours are collected by condensing the vapour.


Strong and sturdy design
Low maintenance cost
Fast installation process
Integrates perfectly with the existing water treatment system without much effort
Compact design for zero water loss
Factory tested equipment


Recovers valuable materials from wastewater
Reduces wastewater disposal costs
Meets environment safety regulations
The robust and reliable design which lasts for a couple of decades without heavy repair
Produces a high volume of fresh water for both drinking and industrial use
Minimalistics daily maintenance procedures
Reduces freshwater extraction by upto 90%


ZLD has a wide range of applications in many different industries. Here is a list of places where ZLD is compulsory. Apart from these below-mentioned industries, other manufacturing units have also started using ZLD in their plants.

Edible oil refinery
Paper Industry
Dye producing intermediaries
Electroplating industry
Tannery industry
Pharmaceuticals industry
Chemical industry
Iron & Steel industries
Food and beverage industries

Why is ZLD required in so many industries?

Our planet is losing most of its freshwater due to rapid industrialisation since the late nineteenth century. Most of the essential industries use large amounts of water in their production line. To reduce this excessive water usage and to save our future generation from dying thirsty, most of the nations on our planet have imposed strict water conservation and recycling rules. To meet these regulations, many industries had to compulsorily install ZLD technology in their factories.


Reuse, Reduce and Recycle has been the motto for water usage in many industrial plants. That's why Zero Liquid Discharge technology can be seen in many places throughout India. We, at Ecologics India Pvt. Ltd are committed to providing our nation with low-cost yet highly-effective ZLD machinery. If you have any need for ZLD deployment, contact us. We’ll be happy to help you.